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Oxlint Configuration File ​

This configuration is aligned with ESLint v8's configuration schema (eslintrc.json).

Usage: oxlint -c oxlintrc.json --import-plugin


Only the .json format is supported. You can use comments in configuration files.



  "$schema": "./node_modules/oxlint/configuration_schema.json",
  "plugins": ["import", "typescript", "unicorn"],
  "env": {
    "browser": true
  "globals": {
    "foo": "readonly"
  "settings": {},
  "rules": {
    "eqeqeq": "warn",
    "import/no-cycle": "error",
    "react/self-closing-comp": [
        "html": false
  "overrides": [
      "files": ["*.test.ts", "*.spec.ts"],
      "rules": {
        "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off"

categories ​

type: object

Configure an entire category of rules all at once.

Rules enabled or disabled this way will be overwritten by individual rules in the rules field.


  "$schema": "./node_modules/oxlint/configuration_schema.json",
  "categories": {
    "correctness": "warn"
  "rules": {
    "eslint/no-unused-vars": "error"

categories.correctness ​

categories.nursery ​

categories.pedantic ​

categories.perf ​

categories.restriction ​ ​

categories.suspicious ​

env ​

type: Record<string, boolean>

Predefine global variables.

Environments specify what global variables are predefined. See ESLint's list of environments for what environments are available and what each one provides.

extends ​

type: string[]

Paths of configuration files that this configuration file extends (inherits from). The files are resolved relative to the location of the configuration file that contains the extends property. The configuration files are merged from the first to the last, with the last file overriding the previous ones.

globals ​

type: Record<string, string>

Add or remove global variables.

For each global variable, set the corresponding value equal to "writable" to allow the variable to be overwritten or "readonly" to disallow overwriting.

Globals can be disabled by setting their value to "off". For example, in an environment where most Es2015 globals are available but Promise is unavailable, you might use this config:

  "$schema": "./node_modules/oxlint/configuration_schema.json",
  "env": {
    "es6": true
  "globals": {
    "Promise": "off"

You may also use "readable" or false to represent "readonly", and "writeable" or true to represent "writable".

ignorePatterns ​

type: string[]

default: []

Globs to ignore during linting. These are resolved from the configuration file path.

overrides ​

type: array

overrides[n] ​

type: object

overrides[n].files ​

type: string[]

overrides[n].rules ​

type: object

See Oxlint Rules

plugins ​

type: string[]

default: ["react", "unicorn", "typescript", "oxc"]

rules ​

type: object

See Oxlint Rules

settings ​

type: object

Configure the behavior of linter plugins.

Here's an example if you're using Next.js in a monorepo:

  "settings": {
    "next": {
      "rootDir": "apps/dashboard/"
    "react": {
      "linkComponents": [
          "name": "Link",
          "linkAttribute": "to"
    "jsx-a11y": {
      "components": {
        "Link": "a",
        "Button": "button"

settings.jsdoc ​

type: object

settings.jsdoc.augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs ​

type: boolean

default: false

Only for require-(yields|returns|description|example|param|throws) rule

settings.jsdoc.exemptDestructuredRootsFromChecks ​

type: boolean

default: false

Only for require-param-type and require-param-description rule

settings.jsdoc.ignoreInternal ​

type: boolean

default: false

For all rules but NOT apply to empty-tags rule

settings.jsdoc.ignorePrivate ​

type: boolean

default: false

For all rules but NOT apply to check-access and empty-tags rule

settings.jsdoc.ignoreReplacesDocs ​

type: boolean

default: true

Only for require-(yields|returns|description|example|param|throws) rule

settings.jsdoc.implementsReplacesDocs ​

type: boolean

default: false

Only for require-(yields|returns|description|example|param|throws) rule

settings.jsdoc.overrideReplacesDocs ​

type: boolean

default: true

Only for require-(yields|returns|description|example|param|throws) rule

settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference ​

type: object

default: {}

settings.jsx-a11y ​

type: object

Configure JSX A11y plugin rules.

See eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y's configuration for a full reference.

settings.jsx-a11y.components ​

type: Record<string, string>

default: {}

To have your custom components be checked as DOM elements, you can provide a mapping of your component names to the DOM element name.


json { "settings": { "jsx-a11y": { "components": { "Link": "a", "IconButton": "button" } } } }

settings.jsx-a11y.polymorphicPropName ​

type: [ string, null ]

An optional setting that define the prop your code uses to create polymorphic components. This setting will be used to determine the element type in rules that require semantic context.

For example, if you set the polymorphicPropName to as, then this element:

jsx <Box as="h3">Hello</Box>

Will be treated as an h3. If not set, this component will be treated as a Box. ​

type: object

Configure Next.js plugin rules. ​

settings.react ​

type: object

Configure React plugin rules.

Derived from eslint-plugin-react

settings.react.formComponents ​

type: array

default: []

Components used as alternatives to <form> for forms, such as <Formik>.


jsonc { "settings": { "react": { "formComponents": [ "CustomForm", // OtherForm is considered a form component and has an endpoint attribute { "name": "OtherForm", "formAttribute": "endpoint" }, // allows specifying multiple properties if necessary { "name": "Form", "formAttribute": ["registerEndpoint", "loginEndpoint"] } ] } } }

settings.react.formComponents[n] ​

settings.react.linkComponents ​

type: array

default: []

Components used as alternatives to <a> for linking, such as <Link>.


jsonc { "settings": { "react": { "linkComponents": [ "HyperLink", // Use `linkAttribute` for components that use a different prop name // than `href`. { "name": "MyLink", "linkAttribute": "to" }, // allows specifying multiple properties if necessary { "name": "Link", "linkAttribute": ["to", "href"] } ] } } }

settings.react.linkComponents[n] ​

Released under the MIT License.