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Linter (oxlint)

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Oxlint is designed to catch erroneous or useless code without requiring any configurations by default.


At the current stage, oxlint is not intended to fully replace ESLint; it serves as an enhancement when ESLint's slowness becomes a bottleneck in your workflow.

We recommend running oxlint before ESLint in your lint-staged or CI setup for a quicker feedback loop, considering it only takes a few seconds to run on large codebases.


  • 50 - 100 times faster than ESLint, and scales with the number of CPU cores (benchmark).
  • Over 200 rules with a growing list from eslint, typescript, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-jest, eslint-plugin-unicorn and eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y.
  • Supports .eslintignore.
  • Supports ESLint comment disabling.
  • Lint <script> content of .vue, .astro, .svelte files by default.


Run oxlint directly at the root of your repository:

$ npx oxlint@latest
$ pnpm dlx oxlint@latest
$ yarn dlx oxlint@latest
$ bunx oxlint@latest
$ deno run npm:oxlint@latest

Or save it to your package.json:

$ npm add -D oxlint
$ pnpm add -D oxlint
$ yarn add -D oxlint
$ bun add -D oxlint

oxlint does not require Node.js, the binaries can be downloaded from the latest GitHub releases.


  • npx oxlint@latest --rules for the list of rules.
  • npx oxlint@latest --help for configuration instructions.

Useful Options and Examples

  • --deny-warnings turn warnings into errors, useful for failing CI with exit code 1.
  • -D all deny (turn on) all rules.
  • -A all -D eqeqeq run a single rule.
  • -D correctness -D perf -A debugger -A eqeqeq deny (turn on) correctness and perf rules and allow (turn off) the debugger and eqeqeq rule.
  • -c ./eslintrc.json use the rules field to configure the rules, as documented in ESLint. Only json format is supported.
Help details
Usage: oxlint [-A=NAME | -D=NAME]... [--fix] [-f] [-c=PATH] [--tsconfig=PATH] [PATH]...

Allowing / Denying Multiple Lints
  For example `-D correctness -A no-debugger` or `-A all -D no-debugger`.
  The default category is "-D correctness".
  Use "--rules" for rule names.
  Use "--help --help" for rule categories.
    -A, --allow=NAME          Allow the rule or category (suppress the lint)
    -D, --deny=NAME           Deny the rule or category (emit an error)

Enable Plugins
        --import-plugin       Enable the experimental import plugin and detect ESM problems
        --jest-plugin         Enable the Jest plugin and detect test problems
        --jsx-a11y-plugin     Enable the JSX-a11y plugin and detect accessibility problems
        --nextjs-plugin       Enable the Next.js plugin and detect Next.js problems
        --react-perf-plugin   Enable the React performance plugin and detect rendering performance

Fix Problems
        --fix                 Fix as many issues as possible. Only unfixed issues are reported in the

Ignore Files
        --ignore-path=PATH    Specify the file to use as your .eslintignore
        --ignore-pattern=PAT  Specify patterns of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)
        --no-ignore           Disables excluding of files from .eslintignore files, --ignore-path flags
                              and --ignore-pattern flags

Handle Warnings
        --quiet               Disable reporting on warnings, only errors are reported
        --deny-warnings       Ensure warnings produce a non-zero exit code
        --max-warnings=INT    Specify a warning threshold, which can be used to force exit with an error
                              status if there are too many warning-level rule violations in your project

        -f, --format          Use a specific output format (default, json, checkstyle, unix)

        --threads=INT         Number of threads to use. Set to 1 for using only 1 CPU core

Available positional items:
    PATH                      Single file, single path or list of paths

Available options:
        --rules               list all the rules that are currently registered
    -c, --config=PATH         ESLint configuration file (experimental)
        --tsconfig=PATH       TypeScript `tsconfig.json` path for reading path alias and project
                              references for import plugin
    -h, --help                Prints help information
    -V, --version             Prints version information



If you are looking for a way to use oxlint in projects that still need ESLint, You can use eslint-plugin-oxlint to turn off ESLint rules that are already supported by oxlint. So you can enjoy the speed of oxlint while still using ESLint.


  "lint-staged": {
    "**/*.{js,mjs,cjs,jsx,ts,mts,cts,tsx,vue,astro,svelte}": "oxlint"

VSCode Extension

Download the official VSCode extension from the

Continuous Integration

Since oxlint only takes a few seconds to run, we recommend running oxlint prior to ESLint for faster feedback loops.

GitHub Actions

    name: Lint JS
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - run: npx --yes oxlint@0.0.0 --deny-warnings # change to the latest release

It is advised to pin the version, otherwise CI may fail after a new release.



  - repo:
    rev: v0.0.0 # change to the latest version
      - id: oxlint
        verbose: true

Vite plugin

System Requirements

oxlint is built for darwin-arm64, darwin-x64, linux-arm64, linux-x64, win32-arm64 and win32-x64.

Released under the MIT License.