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The parser we are going to construct is called a recursive descent parser, it is the manual process of going down the grammar and building up the AST.

The parser starts simple, it holds the source code, the lexer, and the current token consumed from the lexer.

pub struct Parser<'a> {
/// Source Code
source: &'a str,

lexer: Lexer<'a>,

/// Current Token consumed from the lexer
cur_token: Token,

/// The end range of the previous token
prev_token_end: usize,

impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn new(source: &'a str) -> Self {
Self {
lexer: Lexer::new(source),
cur_token: Token::default(),

pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Program<'a> {
Ok(Program {
node: Node {
start: 0,
end: self.source.len(),
body: vec![]

Helper functions

The current token cur_token: Token holds the current token returned from the lexer. We'll make the parser code cleaner by adding some helper functions for navigating and inspecting this token.

impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
fn start_node(&self) -> Node {
let token = self.cur_token();
Node::new(token.start, 0)

fn finish_node(&self, node: Node) -> Node {
Node::new(node.start, self.prev_token_end)

fn cur_token(&self) -> &Token {

fn cur_kind(&self) -> Kind {

/// Checks if the current index has token `Kind`
fn at(&self, kind: Kind) -> bool {
self.cur_kind() == kind

/// Advance if we are at `Kind`
fn bump(&mut self, kind: Kind) {
if {

/// Advance any token
fn bump_any(&mut self) {

/// Advance and return true if we are at `Kind`, return false otherwise
fn eat(&mut self, kind: Kind) -> bool {
if {
return true;

/// Move to the next token
fn advance(&mut self) {
let token = self.lexer.next_token();
self.prev_token_end = self.cur_token.end;
self.cur_token = token;

Parse Functions

The DebuggerStatement is the most simple statement to parse, so let's try and parse it and return a valid program

impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Program {
let stmt = self.parse_debugger_statement();
let body = vec![stmt];
Program {
node: Node {
start: 0,
end: self.source.len(),

fn parse_debugger_statement(&mut self) -> Statement {
let node = self.start_node();
// NOTE: the token returned from the lexer is `Kind::Debugger`, we'll fix this later.
Statement::DebuggerStatement {
node: self.finish_node(node),

All the other parse functions build on these primitive helper functions, for example parsing the while statement in swc:

Parsing Expressions

The grammar for expressions is deeply nested and recursive, which may cause stack overflow on long expressions (for example in this TypeScript test),

To avoid recursion, we can use a technique called "Pratt Parsing". A more in-depth tutorial can be found here, written by the author of Rust-Analyzer. And a Rust version here in Rome.


There are lots of places where we need to parse a list separated by a punctuation, for example [a, b, c] or {a, b, c}.

The code for parsing lists are all similar, we can use the template method pattern to avoid duplication by using traits.

This pattern can also prevent us from infinite loops, specifically progress.assert_progressing(p);.

Implementation details can then be provided for different lists, for example:

Cover Grammar

Detailed in cover grammar, there are times when we need to convert an Expression to a BindingIdentifier. Dynamic languages such as JavaScript can simply rewrite the node type:

But in Rust, we need to do a struct to struct transformation. A nice and clean way to do this is to use an trait.

pub trait CoverGrammar<'a, T>: Sized {
fn cover(value: T, p: &mut Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self>;

The trait accepts T as the input type, and Self and the output type, so we can define the following:

impl<'a> CoverGrammar<'a, Expression<'a>> for BindingPattern<'a> {
fn cover(expr: Expression<'a>, p: &mut Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
match expr {
Expression::Identifier(ident) => Self::cover(ident.unbox(), p),
Expression::ObjectExpression(expr) => Self::cover(expr.unbox(), p),
Expression::ArrayExpression(expr) => Self::cover(expr.unbox(), p),
_ => Err(()),

impl<'a> CoverGrammar<'a, ObjectExpression<'a>> for BindingPattern<'a> {
fn cover(obj_expr: ObjectExpression<'a>, p: &mut Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
BindingIdentifier::ObjectPattern(ObjectPattern { .. })

impl<'a> CoverGrammar<'a, ArrayExpression<'a>> for BindingPattern<'a> {
fn cover(expr: ArrayExpression<'a>, p: &mut Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
BindingIdentifier::ArrayPattern(ArrayPattern { .. })

Then for anywhere we need to convert an Expression to BindingPattern, call BindingPattern::cover(expression).